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Advance Clock

Parmesh119's github profile

This is the real-time dynamic clock that I created using the JS and DOM manipulation and using responsive design and css part.

Save Cinema Frontend Project with Payment Gateway Integration

SJ-Kumar's github profile

This project is focused on promoting and supporting the cinema industry. It aims to create a platform that engages cinema lovers and encourages them to contribute to the well-being of those involved in the film-making process. The webpage showcases information about the project and provides a donation form for users to contribute.

BMI Calculator

sumitkr2000's github profile

BMI Calculator is used to measure the Body Mass Index of a person. By measuring BMI, a person can know if he is underweight, normal or overweight.

Weather App

Atharvashirsh's github profile

This is a simple weather application built using Express.js. It allows users to retrieve weather information based on location.


karthiknadar1204's github profile

CryptoWatchr is an innovative crypto project that provides users with a comprehensive platform to access and explore various cryptocurrency exchanges from around the world. Leveraging the power of the CoinGecko API users can seamlessly connect to different exchanges access real-time data and make informed decisions about their crypto investments.

Sudoku Game

roshan798's github profile

This is a Sudoku game website created using html, css, and javascript.

Testimonials Carousal

vaibhav-xt's github profile

This is the testimonial carousal made with vanilla javascript.

Caesar Cipher

whiteknight16's github profile

An encryptor decryptor app based on ancient Caesar and cipher technique


sahilatahar's github profile

40 HTML, CSS, JavaScript Projects


aparna03dubey's github profile

A web application that counts the daily water intake of an indivisual.